Our Sponsors
Sparkle Diva ($1000+)
The Poock Family
Sparkle Sponsors ($500+)
Becky & Emma Moomey
Dr. Eric Donels
Shine Sponsors ($250 - $499)
Civil Design Advantage
Ankeny Orthodontics - Dr. Nick Smith
PDM Company
Anani Salon & Spa
PDM Company
Margeas Family Charitable Fund
Bankers Trust - Ankeny
Pathology Associates of Central Iowa
Shelter Insurance - Joe Yamen
Shimmer Sponsors (up to $249)
Vesta Salon & Spa
A big thanks to our sponsors
We are extremely thankful for the support we receive from our many sponsors. Their donations make The Sparkle Run better and better every year.
"Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain."